體適能基礎證書 Physical Fitness Foundation Certification
體適能測試領袖證書 Physical Fitness Assessment Leader Certification
身體素養與基礎動作技能測試領袖證書 Physical Literacy and Fundamental Movement Skills Assessment Leader Certification
兒童青少年體適能測試領袖證書 Children and Youth Physical Fitness Assessment Leader Certification
優質健行領袖證書 Quali-Walk Leader Certification
水中健體導師證書 Hydro-Fitness Instructor Certification
兒童體適能導師證書 Children Fitness Instructor Certification
器械健體導師證書 Resistance Training Instructor Certification
長者健體導師證書 Elderly Fitness Instructor Certification
壓力處理及鬆弛技巧導師證書 Stress Management & Relaxation Techniques Instructor Certification
團體有氧運動導師證書 Group Aerobic Exercise Instructor Certification
伸展訓練導師證書 Stretching Instructor Certification
戶外體適能導師證書 Outdoor Fitness Instructor Certification
高級體適能測試領袖 Physical Fitness Assessment Leader (Advanced Level) Certification
二級PFA私人體適能教練證書 PFA Personal Fitness Trainer (II) Certification
香港聖約翰救護機構 - Hong Kong St. John Ambulance 香港紅十字會 - Hong Kong Red Cross